I think I will believe these learned men before I believe you, who doesn't even sign his last name, and who gives no reason to doubt the fact that CO2 is a GHG except to say it isn't.
You are exactly the kind of rube they are counting on.
Sure, I could lay this all out for you, if I took 2 or 3 hours and crossed every t and dotted every i. But, you're just not worth it. I have better things to do with my time, and esp with someone who has shown they will stoop to asking the stupidest question without taking even 10 minutes to read the existing literature on a problem.
David Appell is a full time blog troll who claims man is responsible for global warming. He has a Google alert to tell him when any blogger posts on the issue of anti man made global warming. He makes it his mission in life to combat any claims to the contrary of his AGW world view. He believes President Bush is the spawn of Satan and hates "warrantless" wire taps but has no problem with the totalitarian environmental movement. This is a compilation of all of his usual responses on blogs.