The government does this to you in dozens of ways every day. It requires you home to have indoor plumbing, for the sake of your society and the planet. It requires you properly dispose of your garbage, for the sake of society and the planet. It outlaws burning trash in your backyard, for the benefit of society and the planet. It requires a catalyct converter on your car, for the sake of you and the planet. It forbids you from dumping mercury wherever you might want, for the sake of society and the planet. It regulates sulfate emissions (via a cap and trade system) that raises the cost of your power, for the sake of society and the planet. It regulated CFC release, making your refrigerator more expensive, for the sake of society and the planet.
David Appell is a full time blog troll who claims man is responsible for global warming. He has a Google alert to tell him when any blogger posts on the issue of anti man made global warming. He makes it his mission in life to combat any claims to the contrary of his AGW world view. He believes President Bush is the spawn of Satan and hates "warrantless" wire taps but has no problem with the totalitarian environmental movement. This is a compilation of all of his usual responses on blogs.